Monday, May 20, 2013

Childbirth Professional Day - Meet Ashley Anderson

1. What is your Childbirth Profession?
I am a childbirth educator who teaches the Bradley Method® of husband coached childbirth.

2. Describe your profession and why someone would want to choose your profession for support in pregnancy and/or childbirth.
Childbirth educators are people who are passionate about birth and want to help educate expecting parents on how to give birth and the choices and options they have in labor.  The Bradley Method® is a natural birth method that focuses on training the husband (or coach) to be the primary labor support.  My goal is to help parents be as prepared as possible for labor and birth.  I teach how to stay low risk by eating well and doing pregnancy exercises.  I also cover topics such as first and second stage labor, knowing your options in labor, writing a birth plan, labor positions, relaxation, preparing for the unexpected, newborn care and postpartum care for mom.  I do teach about breastfeeding, but highly recommend that my students attend LaLeche League meetings for more information and support.

3. Why did you get started in your profession?
My husband, Chris and I took the Bradley Method® classes when we were pregnant with our first child.  I was amazed at how much I didn't know and was so thankful for the class and everything we learned.  We were able to labor naturally and give birth without any medication, thanks to my husband and his amazing support!  Realizing how wonderful birth can be, I became passionate about sharing this knowledge with other couples!  It is so rewarding to me to see a new family born, healthy and happy!

4. In detail, what is your personal childbirth philosophy?
I believe giving birth is a natural, normal process and is something that women's bodies were designed and created to do!  It is so empowering to be able to give birth confidently and without fear or medical intervention!  I also believe bringing a child into the world is a wonderful event for couples to experience together.  Parenting begins not when the baby is born, but when that child is first conceived.

5. If you could tell all pregnant women in the world something, what would it be?
Laboring and birthing is beautiful and rewarding, but it is also hard work that requires training and practice.  Please don't go into the hospital and try to just "figure it out".  If you don't have a plan, your care provider will create one for you and you may or may not like or agree with their choices.  You have a responsibility to become educated about labor and birth and make the best choices possible for you and your child.

6. How long have you been in your profession? Are you certified? If yes, by who?
I have been teaching since February 2011. I am certified by the American Academy of Husband Coached Childbirth (AAHCC)

7. Do you have a business name? How can people contact you for pregnancy and childbirth support?

8. Where do you practice?
I teach in Sioux Falls, SD at Marsh Family Chiropractic.

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